Princess Smartypanda's Animal Jam Wiki

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Princess Smartypanda's Animal Jam Wiki

Are you having questions about the first rule in YouTube rules? Here's the FAQ!

I asked you for permission! Why did you delete my video?[]

I'm sorry about deleting your video if you had permission! To restore it, you can send a counter notification on YouTube!

Is it okay to make a video you?[]

That's okay as long as you don't put my copyright in the video!

Somebody copied your copyright![]

Don't worry! You have the right to remove it! Just select Copy Infragement and Another Owner. It may not work. Instead, contact me with the video URL and I'll remove it!

How do I get permission?[]

Just contact me! If I accidentally remove the video, see "I asked you for permission! Why did you delete my video?"

If you have more questions, contact me!
